Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Yeah I actually ate an apple today

I’ve carried an apple in my lunch box everyday for two weeks and I have finally eaten it. I also ate some cherries yesterday so I have already achieved my goal of eating more fruit this week.

Monday, May 30, 2005

I've lost some weight

Medium term goal: 60kg (9.5 st) by September 2005
Short term goal: eat more fruit and vegetables and do some exercise
Current weight: 66.8kg loss of 600g (1lb)
Current fat: 29% 1% lower

Saturday, May 28, 2005

I don't normally look at my feet

however I’ve been getting rubbing around my bigs toes recently. When I actually looked at them I realised they are looking a little bit odd. I’ve done some research and it appears I’ve either got or I am getting bunions; the only way to correct them is surgery!

I did to make an appointment with a specialist to find out how bad they are and what needs to be done. However I’m dreadful at making appointment so in the mean time I’ve started a corrective program of my own. I’ve got spacers for between my big toes and I’m doing exercises to try and encourage my big toes back where they should be.

Hopefully this can be solved without surgery.

I bought a body brush yesterday

and this morning will be my first attempt at using it to try and help reduce my cellulite. I suspect I might look very pink after my shower!

Getting started with weight loss

I’ve been having a nosey around the bbc website this morning and came across their healty living section. They have a lot of information on weight loss; I haven’t read it all yet, but it seems to be good http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/your_weight/ and includes imperial and metric BMI calculators.

This is what is lists under the action list in the getting started section:

  • Write down all the reasons you want to lose weight.

  • Write down the pros and cons of losing weight and staying as you are, to see which comes out on top.

  • Keep a food and activity diary.

  • Start with a positive attitude – to change your weight, you first need to change your mind!

It feels like I haven't been abroad in ages

I’ve been having a nosey around the bbc website this morning and came across their healty living section. They have a lot of information on weight loss; I haven’t read it all yet, but it seems to be good http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/healthy_living/your_weight/ and includes imperial and metric BMI calculators.

This is what is lists under the action list in the getting started section:

  • Write down all the reasons you want to lose weight.

  • Write down the pros and cons of losing weight and staying as you are, to see which comes out on top.

  • Keep a food and activity diary.

  • Start with a positive attitude – to change your weight, you first need to change your mind!

Friday, May 27, 2005

As I've done so well this week my treat tomorrow is

to have some chocolate at the cinema. I might also treat myself while I’m out shopping, but then I’ll be working it all off with walking!

I'm not doing well here

I haven’t been to the gym in two weeks now. I wanted to go last week but was working too late and I haven’t been able to go this week due to back problems. I need to go next week.

I've done so well this week

The only chocolate I’ve had this week is two squares of green & black white chocolate on Monday. Since then I’ve had the opportunity, but have not taken it. Today I was sat next to a large pile of chocolate chips muffins and I resisted.

With me and chocolate it seems it has to be all or nothing. I wish I could learn some willpower.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Another good day

I had left over soup for lunch so got some vegetables that way, plus I had some cherries when I got in from work. I admit it wasn’t many, but it is a start to get over that mental hurdle. I also didn’t have any chocolate.

I have been thinking of exercising (a benefit of eating better). I should probably have another day’s rest after the chiropractors, but I might go for a light work out after work if I haven’t had any aches and pains during the day.

I had a good day yesterday

Breakfast – porridge made with water and cranberry juice
Lunch – wholemeal pittas with turkey ham and some salad (just a little bit as I train myself to like it
Dinner – corn on the cob and homemade leek, potato and stilton soup (first time I’ve made soup)
Snacks – probiotic yogurt, bag of snackajacks a few crisps

OK no fruit, but equally no chocolate.

Plus my chiropractor said I looked like I had lost weight, when I have actually put it on since I last saw her. Maybe I’ve got better posture since finishing my course.

A whole day without chocolate

Yesterday I went without chocolate all day and didn’t even want any (apart from when some one talking to me eating a penguin).

This goes part of the way to combat the large amount of chocolate I ate at the weekend at Verdi’s icecream parlour (Mumbles, Swansea).

Flossed last night

as I ate corn of the cob for dinner. However it is the first time in a few weeks.

I had a good day yesterday

Breakfast – porridge made with water and cranberry juice
Lunch – wholemeal pittas with turkey ham and some salad (just a little bit as I train myself to like it
Dinner – corn on the cob and homemade leek, potato and stilton soup (first time I’ve made soup)
Snacks – probiotic yogurt, bag of snackajacks a few crisps

OK no fruit, but equally no chocolate.

Plus my chiropractor said I looked like I had lost weight, when I have actually put it on since I last saw her. Maybe I’ve got better posture since finishing my course.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Starting today

I’ll warn you that I’ll be using a mix of kg or stones depending on where I’m getting weighed

  • Medium term goal: 60kg (~9.5 st) by September 2005

  • Short term goal: eat some fruit and more vegetables than normal

  • Current weight: 67.4kg

  • Current fat: 30%

I’m getting married in September and would like to get back to the weight I was when we started going out. This means I need to lose about a stone or 7kg. However I am more interested in size than weight (hips, bums and thighs – good old English pear)so I will try and report on progress if I can get myself measured!

I’m not going to be able to do much exercise this week as I am visiting a chiropractor tomorrow and I am usually banned for a few days afterwards. Therefore I am going to look at my food. I do not like fruit, vegetables or salad and although I have improved over the last year or so I still don’t chose to eat them. Well I will this week. We’ve just been shopping and bought no chocolate or crisps, but we spent enough on fruit and veg to get a bonus Active Kids voucher!

It feels like I haven't been abroad in ages

I’ll warn you that I’ll be using a mix of kg or stones depending on where I’m getting weighed

  • Medium term goal: 60kg (~9.5 st) by September 2005

  • Short term goal: eat some fruit and more vegetables than normal

  • Current weight: 67.4kg

  • Current fat: 30%

I’m getting married in September and would like to get back to the weight I was when we started going out. This means I need to lose about a stone or 7kg. However I am more interested in size than weight (hips, bums and thighs – good old English pear)so I will try and report on progress if I can get myself measured!

I’m not going to be able to do much exercise this week as I am visiting a chiropractor tomorrow and I am usually banned for a few days afterwards. Therefore I am going to look at my food. I do not like fruit, vegetables or salad and although I have improved over the last year or so I still don’t chose to eat them. Well I will this week. We’ve just been shopping and bought no chocolate or crisps, but we spent enough on fruit and veg to get a bonus Active Kids voucher!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Starts tomorrow so splash out this weekend

I was away at a wedding for the weekend and ate loads and lots of naughty stuff. For instance, lunch today was thick Italian hot chocolate (absolutely fantastic) and hazelnut chrunch icecream with hot chocolate sauce. Its going to be tough tomorrow :D

I wore a dress I made to a wedding yesterday

I made the dress last summer and it was great wearing it because I knew no one else would have anything similar. It reminded me why I want to make my own clothes.

The renewal is due on my gym membership

and it has gone up £10 a month. Do I sign up again or not? If I don’t the chances of me doing any exercise is slim, but is it a waste of money?

Its sooner than I think

I’m getting married in four months time and there is still so much to organise. I need to focus on sort it out. On the plus side, we have the registrar so if we don’t do anything else we can still get married!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I'm getting married in Spetember and want to look my best

I would like to go be the weight I was when we first started going out 7 years ago. That would mean losing just over a stone to get to 9.5 stone or 60 kg. My main goal is to tone up all those wobbly bits especially thighs and bottom rather than a specific weight though

It feels like I haven't been abroad in ages

now that I’ve finished my coursework. The problem is that because I’m a member of bookcrossing I’ve got loads of other people’s books to read before I get to mine.

It feels like I haven't been abroad in ages

I went to Brussels two years ago for a weekend, France in 2000 and Canada in 1997.

I’m going to make sure I get boyf abroad on our honeymoon!